If you’ve never worn contact lenses before, it can be a little scary! There’s no reason to be scared though, because contacts are a great way to see without boundaries. Read through some of the most common FAQs about contact lenses below!
Contacts Fittings and Exams in Norfolk and Columbus, NE
Getting contact lenses is a big step. At Eye Physicians PC, we are here to make sure you have the best experience possible.
We will help you pick out the contact lens that fits you well, gives you clear vision, and is right for your eyes. Our years of expertise will be helpful for you.
Basics of Contact Lenses
Improvements have occurred in contact lens technology. These improvements mean that patients have even more success using contacts!
When you wear contact lenses, they sit right on your eye. Because of this, they need to fit right to keep your eyes healthy.
To determine your prescription, you and your doctor will observe how the lens feels. When you first wear contacts, relax! It can be nerve-wracking to try and put your contacts in the right way. Once your contacts are in, consider a few things.
- Are they comfortable?
- Do your eyes feel dry when you put them in?
- Are they in correctly and don’t feel like they will fall out?
- Are you in any pain when you blink?
These are important questions to ask yourself when you wear your contacts. If your contacts aren’t comfortable, that means you may need to try a different kind!
You will have follow-up appointments to make sure that your contacts fit as they should. You need to continue scheduling appointments and following the contact lens care instructions.
Lens Options
There are two different types of contact lenses. They are soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses. Within both categories, there are a variety of different lenses available.
Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
Rigid gas permeable contact lenses (RGPs) are more durable and do not get as much build up.
They are easier to touch and harder to tear. Initially, they are not as comfortable as soft contacts and take weeks to get used to.
Soft Contact Lenses
Soft contact lenses are made of a softer and flexible plastic that lets oxygen into the cornea. They are easier to adjust, and most find them more comfortable than RGP lenses.
Newer materials include silicone-hydrogels, and they let more oxygen in your eyes. It can often take a few days to get used to soft contacts.
Continuous Wear Lenses
Continuous wear lenses are a kind of contact lens that is worn for longer. This can include wearing them overnight, continuously for 6 nights, or at the most, 30 days.
Continuous wear lenses are usually a type of soft lens because they let in more oxygen to the cornea. Few RGPs are approved for overnight wear.
The length of continuous wear depends on what your eyes can tolerate. It is important to let your eyes rest for at least one night before putting continuous contacts back in.
Disposable Lenses
Most soft contact users get daily lenses. Disposable means you use these lenses once and then throw them out. You must replace your lenses on a regular basis.
A popular type of disposable is “dailies.” Popular brands for dailies are Alcon, Bausch and Lomb, Cooper Vision, and Vistakon/J&J.
Dailies are extremely popular, but more than that, they are better for your eyes! Part of this is because there is less chance of bacteria or infection occurring.
By wearing dailies and disposing of them at the end of every day, they don’t have the opportunity to sit in solution. Many contact lens wearers don’t clean out their contacts cases or leave solution in them for a few days.
These kinds of habits can lead to serious consequences, like infections. Dailies bypass this problem completely. They are also better for contact lens wearers who may struggle with dry eye symptoms.
If you get disposable contact lenses for extended use, they last for 7-30 days and are then disposed. Clean and disinfect lenses before inserting them again.
Hybrid Lenses
Hybrid lenses combine RGPs at the center and soft lenses around the sides. Hybrid lenses correct astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. They also provide you with clear and focused vision at night too, making them comfortable to wear all day.
Orthokeratology is a fitting procedure that uses RGPs to change the cornea. This is usually to improve the eye’s ability to focus and to correct nearsightedness.
During orthokeratology, some lenses are for wearing during the day. Others are for wearing overnight and are then removed when you wake up. You must wear the lenses every night to keep the effect.
Decorative Lenses
These lenses do not correct vision, but they can change the appearance of the eye. A popular example includes wearing colored contacts. They are regulated by the FDA.
Scleral Lenses
Scleral lenses are a larger lens that’s made of a gas permeable material. They help correct different conditions.
Prosthetic Lenses
Prosthetic lenses help fix a cosmetic issue, like a misshaped pupil. They will match the lens to your other eye’s iris.
Complete Exams and Fittings
The first step is getting a complete medical and refractive eye exam. Your doctor will see if your eyes can handle contacts.
They will also remove any conditions that impact using contact lenses. Our goal is to ensure you have the correct lenses for your vision and comfort.
How to Use Your Contact Lenses
You will get personalized instructions about how to care for the lenses. You’ll also learn how to insert and remove your contacts and receive a schedule for wearing them. You should also schedule another training session.
Annual Eye and Contact Exam
All patients need to come in for an annual lens exam. We will make sure that your lenses still fit well and that your eyes are healthy.
You’ll have to come back to Eye Physicians P.C. once a year to have us check your prescription and your eyes. If your prescription is good to go, then you can continue buying contact lenses.
For many people, this changes a bit in the year between visits. Therefore, prescriptions for contact lenses only last for a year.
Tips/Care Instructions
You must use your specific prescription and wash your hands before removal/insertion. Before anything, you must make sure that the lens is not inside out.
After insertion, clean the case and let it air dry. Only use new solution!
Drops and Cleaning Solutions
We will provide the best cleaning solution and eye drops for your needs. We know there are many options.
Considering wearing contact lenses for the first time? Contact Eye Physicians P.C. in Columbus, and Norfolk NE for an appointment today!